The story of Buckhyne Braes is that it was formed as the harvests of our locally grown food grew year on year.
We work with local volunteers in our community gardens and orchards where we use organic production methods to grow healthy fruit and vegetables which we then turn into our lovely products which range from good old raspberry jam to more exotic chutneys, pickles and cordials/syrups.
We harvest a wide variety of apples from our community orchards in Buckhaven and Methil. We then press the apples in
small batches to produce our lovely apple juice. As our product is natural taste and colour can vary seasonally.
Available from
Buckhyne Braes Kitchen (47 Sandwell Street, Buckhaven)
The Hub (36 College Street, Buckhaven) and Starks Butchers, Buckhaven.
Income generated contributes towards CLEAR environmentally based regeneration activities in Buckhaven and Methil.
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